
Founded in 2008, dōTERRA International has risen to be the worldwide leader in essential oils with over two million independent product distributors in over 50 markets. dōTERRA offers the natural, potent, health-enhancing benefits of essential oils in a variety of products. Our industry leading consumer loyalty revolves around our mission—to provide a new standard of essential oils to the world.Although dōTERRA has had tremendous growth, we strive to maintain a small company culture. We recognize that employees choose to invest part of their life and time with us, and we want them to feel like we are investing in them as well. The joy, growth and development of each employee are a top priority.Our need for the best people to fill roles spreads across all career paths. To learn more about our story, products, charity work, and accomplishments, please visit

公司地址:南京西路699号东方众鑫大厦31楼、11楼 (邮编:200041)
*发布本招聘广告企业的营业执照名称: 多特瑞(上海)商贸有限公司
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